Thank you for your interest in getting involved with First Step Women's Center. It takes a team effort to accomplish the great things God wants to do through First Step.
Jesus was our perfect example of servanthood as described in I John 3:16, 18, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters… Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
Ways that you can get involved:
Pray faithfully
As a Partner in Prayer, we ask that you pray for specific client situations or needs of the ministry as they arise, as communicated via email and Facebook. Specifically, prayer warriors are committing to pray for at least 1 hour per week for the ministry and asked to attend a monthly prayer gathering when possible. We have prayer meetings twice a month. On the first Thursday and the third Tuesday of the month at 11:30am here at the center in our downstairs board room.
To register as a partner in prayer, please contact Elmi at 217.523.0102 or Director@FirstStepWomensCenter.org
Give financially
The faithfulness of a monthly team partner sets us free to focus on ministry, not fundraising. You are welcome to sow on top of your monthly partnership as the Lord provides and leads. Your electronic monthly gift will save First Step money, help us plan more effectively, and reach more women and men if we aren't stressing over monthly needs. You remain in complete control of your giving by having the ability to change your donation at any time.
Donations can be mailed to First Step or can be done online. Please click on the "Make a donation button at the bottom of the screen to sign up for online giving.
One-time gifts are also appreciated, especially when we are focusing on raising funds for a specific project, such as an building maintenance, ultrasound machine, patient marketing or new programs . No gift is too small…or too large.
Event Underwriting gifts are one-time donations from businesses or individuals that help cover the expenses of a particular event, such as our Baby Bottle Boomerang or Annual Fundraising Banquet. Not only are these donors making a difference in the lives of hundreds of local residents, but they will also be recognized publicly at the event and in event print materials.
“In Honor of” or “In Memory of” gifts are given to recognize a loved one by giving a gift that keeps on giving.
Other options for donations:
IRA distributions, stocks and bonds
In Kind gifts - It is very helpful to us when you have a particular skill that you can help us with that we otherwise would have to pay for. Soe examples are: snow removal, building maintenance, landscaping, printing and many more.
Give your time (volunteer)
Prayerfully consider where your giftings may be a blessing to us and to our patients. Click here to contact us for more information.
Patient-related opportunities
(Commitment: Attend in-house training and weekly time schedule of 4 hours per week, minimum)
Medical Service assistant
Reaching out to women with the compassion of Christ as a one-on-one caring helper. Specifically, Advocates provide peace of mind and security as you listen and educate using a scripted format, in a nuetral and non-judgmental way that guides the patient through a 15 step process, providing emotional and spiritual support.

Assisting the nursing staff during appointments. Cleaning in between patients, making education packets, setting up the ultrasound rooms in between patients and other tasks as needed assigned by the nurse.
Non-client related opportunities
(Commitment: Time schedule varies depending on position)
Special Events
Helping with the planning and coordination of the "Baby Bottle Boomerang” or the Banquet ; hosting a table at the banquet or helping to secure underwriters.

Bulk Mailing
Folding, stuffing, sorting and counting in preparation for mailings.

Basic cleaning of facility once a week. Supplies provided.

IT Specialist
Assisting with setting up and maintaining technology

Church Liaison
Distribute patient materials into community
College Liaison
Facilities Maintenance
Representing First Step to your local church body for special events, needs, or concerns of the ministry. Specifically, liaisons distribute ministry resources and materials, inform others of ministry news and activities, encourage friends and church members to support, volunteer, or participate in the Baby Bottle Boomerang, Banquet, or Sanctity of Human Life Sunday events.

We are willing to consider any gift and talent that you may have that is not listed here that may enhance the ministry.